Xenophobia, racism, misogyny, hatred and violence
In listening to over two thousand people share their wound stories, it became completely clear to me that we all come into the world innocent, open, and able and willing to love. When we fall into failures of sympathy – lust for power and dominance, xenophobia, racism and misogyny, incapacity to care, feel compassion, or know love – it is largely because of the environment we grew up in, especially when there was mistreatment at home.
It was quite an epiphany for me to discover that by responding to my heart’s desire to help people heal their inner wounds, the answer to my lifelong search for the root work that will allow us to shift our collective consciousness became clear. I believe I understand the work that is before us, and I have a burning passion to share this with you. I pray that my book offers useful tools and insights for working together effectively and will serve as a catalyst for awakening humanity to the nature of our wounds, their critical importance, and how to heal them. Then perhaps we will be able to bring an end to the hatred, brutality, and violence that have plagued humanity for millennia.
The inevitable fear that children experience when suffering extreme physical and emotional abuse turns into anger and hate, breeding violence and war. Understanding this makes clear the roots of the rise of xenophobia, along with the long presence of misogyny and white supremacy in the United States and the rest of the world, and the rise of authoritarian leaders who prey upon people’s fears. This has convinced me that if we are ever to have peace on this planet, we must bring an end to corporal punishment and other forms of abuse of children all around the world and learn to raise our children with kindness and compassion.
It is clear that xenophobia, war as an instrument of foreign policy, terrorism, fascism, violent religious fundamentalism, or any doctrine that preaches hate of some group of “others” are deeply rooted in the fear, anger, and hatred activated by abusive childhood experiences. This pattern of abuse of children and its expression as anger and hate in adults has unmistakable profound implications for the state of the world today.
We are currently facing a huge rise of xenophobia globally, and the consequent election of authoritarian leaders who prey upon people’s fears. The surge in xenophobia is fueling a critical challenge to democratic institutions all around the world, which have already been profoundly compromised or subverted by globalization, increasing job automation, shifting and often declining job markets, and resultant mass immigrations. I believe that xenophobia would not manifest at all without physical abuse of children at its base. If we are to reverse this situation, we must bring an end to corporal punishment
The chaos and perilousness of these times make the challenge before us starkly clear – either awaken to the need to change or accept a world of growing hatred. As the primary proposition of this book points out, we can now come to understand that the roots of human malice are physical, emotional and sexual abuse of children. The affliction of racism, xenophobia, and oppression will continue to fester globally until we are able to change the way we raise our children. We know that it is possible – challenging, but possible – to bring an end to corporal punishment of children by awakening humanity to the critical need and capacity to raise our children with kindness and compassion.
It was quite an epiphany for me to discover that by responding to my heart’s desire to help people heal their inner wounds, the answer to my lifelong search for the root work that will allow us to shift our collective consciousness became clear. I believe I understand the work that is before us, and I have a burning passion to share this with you. I pray that my book offers useful tools and insights for working together effectively and will serve as a catalyst for awakening humanity to the nature of our wounds, their critical importance, and how to heal them. Then perhaps we will be able to bring an end to the hatred, brutality, and violence that have plagued humanity for millennia.
The inevitable fear that children experience when suffering extreme physical and emotional abuse turns into anger and hate, breeding violence and war. Understanding this makes clear the roots of the rise of xenophobia, along with the long presence of misogyny and white supremacy in the United States and the rest of the world, and the rise of authoritarian leaders who prey upon people’s fears. This has convinced me that if we are ever to have peace on this planet, we must bring an end to corporal punishment and other forms of abuse of children all around the world and learn to raise our children with kindness and compassion.
It is clear that xenophobia, war as an instrument of foreign policy, terrorism, fascism, violent religious fundamentalism, or any doctrine that preaches hate of some group of “others” are deeply rooted in the fear, anger, and hatred activated by abusive childhood experiences. This pattern of abuse of children and its expression as anger and hate in adults has unmistakable profound implications for the state of the world today.
We are currently facing a huge rise of xenophobia globally, and the consequent election of authoritarian leaders who prey upon people’s fears. The surge in xenophobia is fueling a critical challenge to democratic institutions all around the world, which have already been profoundly compromised or subverted by globalization, increasing job automation, shifting and often declining job markets, and resultant mass immigrations. I believe that xenophobia would not manifest at all without physical abuse of children at its base. If we are to reverse this situation, we must bring an end to corporal punishment
The chaos and perilousness of these times make the challenge before us starkly clear – either awaken to the need to change or accept a world of growing hatred. As the primary proposition of this book points out, we can now come to understand that the roots of human malice are physical, emotional and sexual abuse of children. The affliction of racism, xenophobia, and oppression will continue to fester globally until we are able to change the way we raise our children. We know that it is possible – challenging, but possible – to bring an end to corporal punishment of children by awakening humanity to the critical need and capacity to raise our children with kindness and compassion.
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